At Christmas, I decided to knit a hat for my granny. I first tried the hat thing for her in about 2007 but it was a diaster so I decided to try again for 2008. I knitted it up and realised it was a but too big but gave it to her anyway cuz basically I didn't think she'd wear it.
After Christmas, she said she's rip it out and I could reknit it. I said not to rip it cuz it would be a complete nightmare since its patons spirit and not the easiest yarn to rip (knitting it was bad enough) She called up to the house a few weeks later with a bag of bits... biggish balls, small balls and strings of yarn. I had another ball of the stuff here! It didn't need to be ripped out!!!
Yesterday she asked about the hat. I hadn't started it cuz I couldnt find a nice enough pattern but I went on ravelry, found a random bulky hat pattern and went for it. I completed it 5 hours later, and hope to all the yarn gods that it fits this time cuz I don't want to reknit it ever again!!!
I really hope she likes this one! This is when knitting for knitters has it's problems ... they can be picky (and they know about ripping and reknitting lol)
she said she did and she wore it, but just the once. I've decide to only knit for my granda since he wears his hat and mitts all the time.
She's not a knitter, just fussy, lol.
She doesn't knit? The cheek of it!
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